Forrást adunk
cége sikeréhez
Receive the value of your invoices within 24 hours, without hidden costs, unnecessary administrative tasks and months of waiting.
You don't have to wait months for your bills to be paid
(Our partners have not been named for confidentiality reasons)
A family business manufacturing and distributing confectionery products
The business started from the cook-house of their family home, but this year they agreed with one of the national supermarket chains to deliver during the holiday period. In the agreement, the goods are paid for 30 days after the first delivery. Further deliveries should be financed from the value of the first delivery.
So far, our client has put all the money back into production and creating his own website. They created a mini-factory from the cook-house, for which they took out a loan. The artisanal chocolate workshop needs financing to be able to manufacture the second and third deliveries to the supermarket chain.
Or contact us at (+36) 1 688 0360!
Newly established winery, with a 3-4 hectare vineyard.
As a new business, the company spent its existing capital on the purchase of quality wines, which it intends to sell on. The customer also has his own plantation, with which he wishes to base the production of his own products. Producing and introducing a new product to the market involves a lot of work and time, and last but not least, it is a costly process. It is therefore important that the business remains solvent. In addition, unexpected costs arose in connection with the vineyard.
The company signed contracts with several store chains, so the delivery process could begin. These chain stores pay for the delivered wine in 45-60 days, however, if the company sells the entire stock, it will not have sufficient capital for the next purchase. As a result, the winery cannot even cover its operating costs incurred up to that point. The customer's demand is therefore to get access to his money as soon as possible.
Or contact us at (+36) 1 688 0360!
Free, 20-point checklist with which you can effectively check your business partners again and again, thus avoiding unpleasant surprises later on.
Never risk an unpaid deal!
Factoring may have been complicated at first, but we've made it brutally easy for your company
Factoring is a form of financing that (like a loan) is provided by a bank or factoring house, thus supporting the payment of the invoices of the business that requires the money.
This is especially important in the case of partners where customers often pay only 30-60-90 days after the invoice is issued, thereby hindering the liquidity and growth of the partner company.
With the help of factoring, you can "sell" your company's active invoices to us. In this way, you can get your money immediately, and your partner settles the debt with the factoring house when the invoice expires.
We present the process through several simple case studies, which you can review by scrolling up to our Case Studies.
Regarding factoring, the most basic problem for which we provide a solution is the lack of liquidity due to slow, long-term paying customers.
This perfectly supports your goals, whether security and stability or continuous growth are the focus of your business right now.
Some of the benefits you will enjoy with factoring:
Individuals who are looking for an alternative to a loan for their own use.
Businesses where the supplier and buyer are members of the same customer (debtor) group (e.g. there is an ownership merger between them. (for a more precise definition, see the relevant provisions of the Act Con Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises and the Civil Code)
Companies operating in highly risky industries in terms of factoring, please contact our colleagues for more information on these.
Enterprises that do not perform sales and service provision activities.
Of course, yes.
You only need to factor the invoices you want, whether it's one invoice or hundreds.
By using the first and only digital factoring® service in Hungary offered by BÁV Faktor, you can immediately finance your active customer accounts.
The task of factoring is much simpler and faster with us, since now the entire process (from registration to uploading documents to specific financing) can be done digitally.
If you use our service for the first time, the process may take 1-2 weeks.
0.5-2.5% of the gross invoice amount, depending on the transaction. For an exact offer, please contact our colleagues.
You will need to upload the following documents to start factoring your invoices:
– Supplier data sheet filled in with the customer's data, signed and dated,
- Customer data sheet - filled out by the supplier for the customers to be factored separately, signed and dated,
– ledger statement not older than 30 days,
– Tax current account statement not older than 30 days,
– Company contract on the part of the supplier + Copy of specimen signature,
– A copy of the signed contract or order for the customers to be factored
If there are several contracts, we ask for all of them if possible.
– Payment experience, customer analytics (preferably in an xls file) for factored customers for the past year, e.g.: 2018.09-2019.09 with a month-end period within three months of the current month, showing the number, amount, original and actual payment deadline of invoices already issued.
We congratulate you in advance on your decision!
Feel free to contact us by email at or by phone at +36 1 688 0360.
In addition, of course, you can also start the process online by filling out the form on the site. In this case, we will contact you with the details.
digital administration
transparent costs
disbursement even on the same day
easy to use interface
flexible and personalized conditions
By filling out the form, you do not assume any obligations.
Our consultants will contact you as soon as possible and help answer your questions!
We are the number one independent factoring company in Hungary!
BÁV Faktor Zrt. is the largest domestic bank-independent factoring company. With us, you can solve the financing of your business as quickly and simply as possible.
A lenti űrlapon adja meg a keresztnevét és az e-mail címét, majd pipálja be a dobozt és perceken belül Önnél is lesz a csekklista. Ilyen egyszerű!